Terms and Conditions:

Terms and Conditions

Your use of our services indicates that you agree to the terms and conditions set below.

“we”, “us” and “our” refer to Virginia Water Cars
“you ”, “your ” and “user” refers to the person booking a journey via the site or software
“Driver” refers to the Driver that is selected for your journey
“As Directed” refers to a journey where no destination is specified

Limitations on Use of Software
The software, information, and data provided by us for booking purposes are our property and are considered confidential. You agree not to use any copyrighted details of the software for purposes other than those intended, and you will not copy or share them with third parties. We do not guarantee uninterrupted or error-free use of the software, nor do we guarantee the accuracy or suitability of the information obtained from it.

By entering into this agreement and using our software, you affirm that you have the authority to do so and agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined herein. You are responsible for all use of our software, including any associated financial transactions made using your name and payment method, by yourself and any other individuals in your household or organisation. You also warrant that all information provided by you or your associates is truthful and accurate. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify us for any breaches of these warranties.

Terms of Service
These terms and conditions govern the use of our booking service. Please take note of the following when using our service:

  1. Registration with us is required to access the service.
  2. You are responsible for safeguarding your login credentials, and we cannot be held liable for any unauthorised bookings made on your account.
  3. You pledge that all information provided to us is accurate and current.
  4. You assure that any payment details provided are accurate and that you have the necessary authorization to use them for payment.
  5. Payment must be made in full upon receipt of services. Payment facilitation options may be provided.
  6. You are accountable for any bookings made using your account, and we disclaim liability for costs resulting from such bookings.
  7. The service is to be used solely for legitimate booking purposes. We reserve the right to disable your account without prior notice if misuse is detected.
  8. Use of the service for unlawful activities, including the introduction of malicious software or unauthorised access attempts, is prohibited.
  9. We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions to reflect changes in the services provided. You will be notified of such changes.
  10. Upon completion of your journey, you have the option to rate the service provided. Ratings deemed inappropriate will be removed, and associated user accounts may be suspended.

We provide the option to furnish a quoted sum, which may be presented as either estimated or fixed fares. These quotations expressly exclude any additional charges (further details below).

The prices delineated in the quotes are predicated on our prevailing pricing structures.

Quotations are exclusively accurate at the juncture of procurement; we cannot warrant the persistence of the same price at a subsequent time.

Estimated fares are calculated based on mileage and are subject to variation due to several factors, including:

  1. The inclusion of waiting time during the journey.
  2. Alterations made to the initially quoted journey once en route, such as adding a stop or changing the destination.
  3. Deviations from the system's recommended route, which may occur due to external factors like road works or congestion, prompting the driver to suggest an alternative route.

Occasionally, fixed fares may be established, and your driver may levy additional charges under certain circumstances, including but not limited to:

  1. Modifications to the initially quoted journey are made once inside the vehicle, such as adding a stop or altering the destination.
  2. The incurrence of fees such as toll charges or car parking fees, which the vendor endeavours to integrate into their pricing system; however, this cannot be guaranteed presently due to the multitude of potential scenarios.
  3. Requirement for vehicle cleaning post-journey.

  • For all cash bookings, you consent to remit the final amount to the driver in accordance with the pricing scheme, unless the booking is cancelled.

Refund Policy:
As delineated in our payment and cancellation terms, generally, payment is only processed upon completion of a journey. Consequently, refunds are not granted as the service will have been rendered. Should you have any grievances pertaining to the service, please contact us via the telephone number displayed in the app and on our webpage.

Electronic Communications:
All correspondence with us shall be conducted electronically, whether through our provided software or via email. By utilising our software, you consent to receiving communications from us via email or notifications within our software. Such communications shall pertain to your journeys or promotions associated with our service.

In the event that any provision of this Agreement is deemed unlawful and/or unenforceable by a court or other competent authority, the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. If any unlawful and/or unenforceable provision could be made lawful or enforceable by deleting a portion thereof, that portion shall be deemed deleted, and the remainder of the provision shall continue to be in effect (unless such deletion contradicts the clear intention of the parties, in which case the entire provision shall be deemed deleted). This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales, and the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement.